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  • Writer's pictureJae East

Creating (finding) your purpose.

Creating creating creating. Its an interesting thing once you start creating things. Why? Because one creation leads directly to another. Sometimes by plan, and sometimes things just happen. Creating your own path is such a LARGE phase that takes a lot of steps and a lot of time before a clear vision of the path appears, that you may find several other creations along the way. The one I want to talk about is purpose.

The creation or discovery of purpose is truly a magical thing. Purpose is synonymous with motivation. Purpose is defined by the Oxford Dictionary as the reason for which something is done or created, or for which something exists. And while that seems very straight forward and simple to understand finding purpose is not as simple. Many people walk through life unsure of their purpose, unsure of their motivation to move forward. This lack of purpose, or lack of direction, leads many to not only second guess themselves but to also make that their focus. And while looking for purpose is fine, making it your main focus is not fine. But this is where creation takes over.

In the process of creating your own path, you will begin to take action by action. These actions are similar to bricks. Each action, or brick, leads directly to another and another. This is how the path is created. But the reason you take those actions, the reason you lay those bricks, that is where purpose lies. Whether you realize it or not, each action you take will not only be linked to the next but they will have similar concepts. Similar beginnings, similar explanations, and similar grounds. The similarities are influential to finding your purpose. Because if you can find what are the true similarities you can find your true purpose behind the path you have decided to create. If you can find the true purpose behind the path it will give you more fuel, more desire to continue the construction of that path. The bricks become lighter when you know the reason they are being placed in position. The bricks become even lighter when you respect the reason and are able to put that above any pain or discomfort you are feeling in the immediate moment.

The further along you are on that path the further back each trip to get more bricks becomes. The longer the travel is to get those next actions into place. But again, purpose and having your mind focused on that purpose, not necessarily the destination, will ease the burden. But the thought of easing the burden should not rush you into looking for a purpose, or creating a false one. The wrong purpose will lead to those bricks not being placed securely. The grout will not hold the bricks and eventually your path you worked hard for will begin to fall apart around you. So how do you keep this from happening? By having trust and faith. Trust that as you do each action and each step that while you may not be able to see the reasoning in the moment, if you are doing them for the right reasons that wisdom will help you down the line. Have faith that you re being led the right direction and do not give up. Giving up half way is just as bad as giving up before starting. Giving up is just not the way to go if you are trying to create something that will last.

Put in the work, let it all come together, keep creating the path, and eventually the purpose will become clear as day. The steps are all linked and it is important to understand that as you take each one of these steps there will be another step ready for you to take. Let your heart guide you to what you love, what you truly want. If you are a spiritual person let your spirit be guided in the direction that you are not only content with but that you feel you are being directed to. And remember that as you complete each one of those actions there is a bigger picture. The bigger picture, the bigger goal will lead you to finding that purpose. But sometimes you have to complete enough actions to see what that picture is.

But do not worry. Because once you see the picture, once you find the purpose behind the journey, it makes the trip that much more memorable.

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