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  • Writer's pictureJae East

Putting in the Hard Work.

As many of us have heard or been told it is better to work smarter, not harder. But there is no nifty catchphrase for the benefits of putting in hard work. Is there a benefit of putting in the hard work? Or are you just working harder than everyone else because it is not smart? I think there is an argument to be had for the population that thinks hard work is not smart, and there is track record that proves otherwise. Ready to dig into this?

We should get this out the way now. There is nothing easy or fun about putting in the hard work. Fact of the matter is, hard work is exactly what it says... Hard Work. But putting in the hard work goes a long way towards developing your NOW and your LATER. Let's look at the now first. Right NOW you may be working hard, or at least you may feel you are working hard, but there is always another level. There is always a little further you can go. There is a threshold that you have not reached yet. By pushing yourself NOW to work harder and put in the possibly menial, humbling work it helps you to develop a strong work ethic. And work ethic is something that is highly coveted by many.

Work Ethic is the basis by which your performance is graded, by which you are graded, and a way for you to grade yourself. Your work ethic is a direct reflection of your dedication, discipline, and integrity for not only your work but yourself. Understand that everything you do is a representation of you. When you do good things it represents you, and same for when you do bad things. If you show a lack of dedication to your work, it shows as a lack of dedication to yourself. Your reliability to complete tasks properly and at an exceptional shows the same about how you conduct yourself. This is why the most dedicated people are viewed as some of the hardest workers.

The athletes that put in the long hours, the doctors and nurses who study and work under stressful situations, the early risers who get going before the crack of dawn, and the late sleepers who work away in the wee hours, are viewed as some of the hardest workers in society. Their work ethic is a reflection of them. And furthermore, their work has become a reflection of their work ethic.

Developing that work ethic, by putting in the work now, leads to tough moments and tough days but it builds calluses. It builds a resistance that not only shows the work you have put in but also a friction to directly combat adversity that comes your way. In my time of being in the workforce I have had my share of jobs. From retail to logistics, I have had my share of jobs and gigs. And while they may have all been different I have always kept one thing in common when I started and finished the job. No matter who may have been here longer than me, what advantages they may have, or who they may know, I will work harder than them to accomplish my goal. And in most places, while I may not have outworked the best of the best, I feel I have given them at least a run for their money and sat toe to toe with them. But at what cost or benefit? This is where the LATER starts to kick in.

Laying a solid foundation not only keeps you secure as you go further up but it also shows you know what you are doing. And later when the storm comes having that foundation that you know you can rely on can mean the difference between survival and defeat. Many business people understand this and rely heavily on this. That is why the person that puts in the hard work can excel and out duel the person that is gifted or allowed to just breeze through with no trials or tribulations. The latter are unproven and will need to make magic happen. But when you have been putting in the hard work, your work is proven and you can begin working on the process you have already encountered. You will be less likely to crack under pressure as you are use to pressure. But remember pressure can create a diamond but pressure can also bursts pipes.

Putting in the hard work is being able to understand that there will be times you need to scale back a bit and there will be times you need to just keep plugging away. But in either instance you have to realize that working hard is a habit. And with all habits there are pros and cons. As with everything in life a balance is needed. Understanding when to curb back is key but it is also important to understand that the finish line may not look as you think it will. It may not be as close as you think and you need to be prepared to keeping putting in the hard work until you've crossed the finish line. If life is a race sprinting is not the way to win every race. Some races are marathons, others are 100 meter dashes. Sprinting in a marathon may lead to you being gassed, but who ever said you have to sprint to work hard?

Putting in the hard work can be done in many ways and only YOU can truly tell yourself if you have put in enough work to cross the finish line. But unless you have decided to hang it up and retire to the competition, there is usually another race. There is another event, another instance where you will need to work hard if you want to be successful. And it usually creeps up on you before you even know its close. So what am I saying? Take a break after the results, but remember that training time is right around the corner and to the victor belong the spoils. Continue putting in the hard work and hopefully you will reap the rewards of your hard work, over and over again.


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