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  • Writer's pictureJae East

Make It Happen

I am a big believer in the saying of what you sow you reap. I have heard this for most of my life and it has always made sense to me, even when i did not want it to. Essentially what you put in is what you get out, over time. And while this is great to dictate how we should be careful about what we do, say, and believe it has greater purpose. Like the human life, it has greater purpose.

There is a belief that the universe is predestined. Meaning, we have minimal control over what happens to us on a daily basis.And while this is an easy concept to adopt I think it is TOO easy. That is too easy for that to be true about life. That would mean that we have minimal control, and since we have minimal control we have nothing to worry about. As life is already remapped in this concept, where you are headed is already predetermined.

I personally have always believed that your actions, while small in scale, create reactions. Just because you did not know what would come from your actions does not mean you did not have some control in that. Even relinquishing control to some else is your action. Some people will agree with me on this, and many probably will not. Why? Because accepting complete ownership for every little thing in your life is not fun. Especially when it is accepting ownership for the events we did not want to happen, that did not benefit us. But there is power that comes with accepting that ownership.

The greatest power that comes with that is the very power we shy away from. It is the power to understand that you can sway things your way, if you really try hard enough. And when i say hard enough I mean harder than anything you may have ever accomplished or attempted to accomplish before. I mean, after all, we are trying to move EVENTS IN TIME in our favor. That is no small task, but that leads back to the main subject of this whole thing.

Make it happen. Make what happen? Make whatever it is that you want to happen, happen. You may think that cannot be possible, but it is. Everyone that has made their wildest dreams happen did exactly this. Even the dreams that were not their wildest happened because they made it happen. Everything that you have wanted to happen in life, you made happen. And here is where things get straight up freaky. The more action/s involved to make something happen the more likely it is to happen. The more work involved to complete a task, they greater the probability of success is, if you do all the work needed.

The things in life that require the least amount of work, but come with amazing rewards, have probabilities that do NOT favor us. But because they have minimal work , it is easier for us to roll the dice on these things, while our success rate remains low. Want an example? I present to you....The Lottery. The entire concept of the lottery is based on this exact concept. You pay minimal money for the opportunity to win a lot of money. Even if you pay "a lot" of money in terms of work, you are doing very little. Which is why the odds are low. It does not mean it is impossible, but it is definitely not in the higher areas of likelihood. But, if we think about our health it also applies.

The more work you put into your diet, exercising, picking the right things to do and not the wrong things to do, or eat, or see, or places to go, the probability of you extend your life longer than someone else doing the opposite is in your favor. Again, it is not guaranteed, as there are not many guarantees in life, but the odds are in your favor. And that is all we can really ask for.

So go make it happen. Go make that dream of yours happen. Go be successful, go live life, go eat healthy, go do whatever it is you want to do. Whether it is something someone thinks is good or bad does not matter. What matters is accepting ownership of what you do. Accepting ownership of the things you do not do. And of course, accepting ownership of your life.

This life is too short to put in the hands of someone else, and way too short to be delusional to the power we hold. Use that power wisely, and be the best version of you. And no matter what remember that your best is best.

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