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  • Writer's pictureJae East

The Beauty.

I had an amazing weekend recently. Pretty eye opening honestly. In the presence of great company and just enjoying the time I sat back and enjoyed the beauty of the full moon. There is something just amazing about the moon. Well, there is something amazing about most things if you take the time to find the beauty and appreciate it, but I digress. As I stood there taking in the vibes and enjoying the essence of the moon I realized something. For every moon that I have captured, for every sunset I have chased, for every sun glare I have stared into I never really got a sunrise.

Now let me clarify. I have had the pleasure and honor of sitting back and enjoying a nice sunset. There is something mesmerizing about watching the sun disappear as the sky darkens. And there is something also amazing about watching the moon glow and stare back in its partial and full states. But that sunrise. I have never just sat back and just watched a sunrise in its full entirety. And if I am forgetting (which is possible) I can confirm prior to this weekend I never got it in recording, or captured the moment with my camera. But that all changed this past weekend.

We decided to stay up. We decided to stay up and after watching the full moon be greeted by the sun as she came into full view. That's right, we broke night, watched the moon fade away into the brightness, and met the sun in her HOT glory. Where I live, I am fortunate enough to get a clear view, front and center, of the sun as it rises. And it was nothing short of beautiful. Now, I admit, I may be a bit of a nature-holic. I can have a full on conversation about the amazing elements of the sky, moon, and/or sun. And after watching that sunrise I have even more to add to the repertoire but I said all of this for a reason.

You do not need to be a fan of any of these things to appreciate them. You don't have to understand how they work, or why they look how they look when you look at them. You do not have to think they are beautiful or amazing. You do not have to think any of the same opinions as me. Especially when it comes to nature or photography. But if there were three things I could ask you to do, it would be to this.

1. Find something (not someone) that you love, and find the beauty in it. Aim to find the appreciation. Find gratitude in knowing it is available to you.

2. Share it with someone else. Anyone else of your choice. Explain to them why you love it, what you find beautiful about it, and when you started appreciating it.

3. Take a moment to open you heart, your mind, and your eyes to not only find the beauty in something else but also that same appreciation.

I know I am asking for a lot there. Let's start with one of the three and then work from there on getting to the other two. And to those of you who are already out there finding things daily to be grateful for, and appreciative of, and seeing the beauty in everything keep it up. But at the same time you already have been seeing the beauty in these things realize that there is always another perspective to view things. After all life is all about perspective. And with a new perspective could possibly come a new beauty.

So go find "The Beauty". Share it with someone else and then keep being grateful for things. it makes things look so different when you are.

(I filled this post with as many of those shots that I could use. Figured, I would save the best for last...or at least what I thought was the best. Let me know what you think!)

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