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  • Writer's pictureJae East

This is YOUR Life.

Sometimes, we have a very bad habit of succumbing to what is the easier choice. I know what you may be thinking. "This choice is not and was not easy." And guess what? You are 100% right. The choice that you may have made already was not easy. Because no choice is easy. Everything in life comes with complexities. And with complexities comes difficulty. It is just how life was designed. But because something is not easy does not mean it may not be easier than something else. Stay with me.

Every decision, every move is a choice. And every choice leads to another choice. So it is easy to make the wrong choice. I mean, no one is perfect, especially not me. I have made the wrong choices time and time again. I mean, this is life after all. I am not going to tell you that those missteps or mistakes are meant to happen. I am not going to tell you that you needed to make those missteps so that you could learn from them. Nope. Not going to happen, at least not now. The important message to get here is that this is your life.

Seems like something we should already know right? And many of us know it, but maybe we don't understand it entirely. or maybe we understand it but have lost some sight on what it means as we have become more involved with the daily grind and repetition of life. And there is nothing wrong with that. It happens. But I need to reiterate and reemphasize this.

This is YOUR life. I am apart of your life as you are apart of mine. But in this show, you are the star. You have a supporting cast and you have producers, directors, wardrobe, etc. In your process of using them do not lose sight of what the show is. This show is your life. But instead of ACTING I want you LIVE.


Again, another one of those phrases that seems pretty straight forward but those three words have some power behind them. Individually they are powerful but put together...they pack a punch. Let's take a look.


We hear this word used almost daily in so many different ways but have you ever really thought about what it means to Live? To live means to be alive (Genius! I know). For me, when i hear the word "Live" I think of constant motion. As minute as the movement may be it is constant motion. When someone says to "Live" I view it as them saying to stay in constant motion. Now, obviously we want to be in motion forward but sometimes there will be digression. This is still a part of living. So let's take my interpretation of this word with us forward with us.


Big word. "Your" is a bridge to many things. One of the things "Your" bridges to is ownership, or possession. "Your" means it is related to you. The possession is yours. Not anyone else's. I mean, if it was someone else's then it would be "Theirs", but alas it is not.

It relates back to you. The possession belongs to you. And this is great. This is the opportunity to be selfish. You have every single right to be selfish if the possession is yours. But it is important to understand the choice lies with you. You have to choose to claim ownership of what is yours. Anything that is yours can be given away if you choose to give it away. So let's take that interpretation with us too.


This is a big one. Like the previous words, everyone has their own perspective on what "Life" is. So many people are focused on defining not only the word "Life" but their lives as well. I don't want to get too long winded here so I will try to keep this one simple (I don't even know if that is possible with this one). Life is the ENERGY, EXPERIENCES, and MOMENTS that serves as links of actions and events. Those actions and events are part of your "Life" but "Life" is the actual energy and experiences that put them all together in order (sometimes out of order). To share your "Life" is to share your energy, to share your experiences. Again, this is MY interpretation and me trying not to be too long winded in the definition.

So let's put these 3 POWERFUL words together to create that mega statement. Constant motion of the energy and experiences that belong to you. Live Your Life. So when someone tells your to "Live Your Life" I want you to interpret that as them telling you to keep creating energy and experiences where you can, when you can. Whether you decide to make those positives or negatives is up to you. And remember, for a balance to exist there must be both. But as long as there is constant motion you are living.

I say ALL of this to circle back to where we started. This is YOUR life. It is in your possession. These are your experiences, this your energy, these are your moments. As the star of this show I need you to not only accept that but accept what comes with it. All the pros and all the cons. All the good that has happened (and yet to happen) and all of the bad that has happened (and is yet to happen). Don't be afraid of it, just embrace it. Do what you need to but also what you want to. Don't be a spectator in your life. Get up out of the audience and stand on stage. Own the moment, own the energy, and create the experiences you are proud to own.

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