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  • Writer's pictureJae East

Unspoken Words.

As humans, we have this great gift of being able to speak to each other. Sometimes we speak to each other when we should not. And then there are times when we should say something and we choose not to. Conversation is truly an interesting art. But the words that make up that art, that make up those sentences, they have their own power.

Words have an uncanny ability to explain and give more meaning to the simplest thing when used correctly. The right words can say everything you want them to. But what about the words never spoken? What about those words we want to say but we never say? The sentences that we want to say but do not know how. OR, the sentences and words that we are too afraid to say, not because of just fear but because of vulnerability.

I cannot speak for all of you, but I can speak for myself. And I can tell you that there are things I wished I told people, things I wished I did for people, things I wished I showed people but did not. Why? Because of fear. But fear is not something that should hold us back. I have come to understand that fear is a vehicle for our convictions, our beliefs, for us. Fear is necessary to help get you out there, into the uncomfortable areas, where growth occurs.

So back to those words. How do you get out those words? The words, the phrases, the sentences you have been trying to share with someone. What you have been trying to share with the world. Sometimes to relay a message speech is not needed. To deliver those words and messages you need not say a word. How do you say everything without saying anything? The best way to do this is to put your message into your passion.

Your passion is where your most comfortable while also possibly being completely out of your element. Your passion is where you will go through the most pain but will be able to withstand the pain. The ability to withstand does not come from strength but from joy. If you can put your message, the things you find hardest to say, in your passion you are creating something special. You are surrounding your vulnerability by a force field. Your passion acts as a buffer to help ensure the message gets to where it needs to go.

Does this mean you should stop speaking altogether and move forward by only speaking through your passion. I would not say that. That is not the intent of this message. Speak when you can speak. But, the same way we are cautious before we say certain things at or around children, we should remain cautious of our statements around and to other adults.

Be careful of what you say and what you don't say. If you know there are some things that could do without being said, do not say them. And if you have some things that need to be said...start saying them. In words or in other ways.

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