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  • Writer's pictureJae East

Why not?

When I was growing up as a kid, there was a saying that you could be anything you wanted to be when you grew up. And as great as that saying was, it was not always supported by behavior than ran adjacent to it. What do I mean? Well, in school, our teachers would emphasize this to us at an early age but as we grew up they began to do what most curriculums were geared towards. In an effort to lead us to success and discovering what we wanted to do and be when we grew up they limited the choices. So while you could be anything you wanted to be, there were very clear guidelines to go into certain fields, while others were a bit blurred. But what if I told you that despite this all you can still be what you want to be, if you have not become that yet? What if I told you you could do what you wanted to do, and anything else? Imagine if you will, that the possibilities are endless, because they truly are.

Let's get this out of the way now. There are two ways to achieve your dreams. One way works and the other...not so much. The first way is the easy way. This is the pick up a bat and just start swinging method. I cannot guarantee you that this will be successful in the short term or long term. What I can guarantee you is if you are not committed to becoming who you want to be, or doing what you want to do, then you will never be successful at that. Success requires preparation. Preparation requires work. Success requires work. It is that simple. And while we are talking about work we might as well go into the second way.

The way I have lamented to you for months now to get things done is through hard work. Nothing is going to be easy, and if you recognize this and treat it as such it means you have to put in effort. Sometimes, you will have to put in extraordinary effort. And while the results will not be quick, in the long term they will pay off. But you have to remain dedicated. Remaining dedicated and focused will give you the best outcome of not only completion but also completion with success. So back to the beginning.

You can be whatever you want to be. You can become whatever you want to become, do whatever you want to do, and you can do it now. What has happened in the past to limit you or deter you s in the past. The future is ahead and that is all that matters. To the people that tell you, you cannot or doubt you, let them be. Use their doubt as fuel. Use their negativity as energy to get it done. Not to spite them, but to show them that it is possible. Put your focus into your dream and make the dream a reality. And if someone says that what you want to do is just a hobby and you cannot do it for a living, or long term, remind yourself of a few things.

First, they are not you, so they cannot tell you what you can or cannot do. You decide that. No one else should make that decision for you. Second, just because someone else has attempted something and failed does not mean it is not possible. It just means that that person was not prepared to succeed in that moment. If humanity assumed that temporary failure meant permanent impossibility a lot of things as we know it would not exist. Including the device you re reading this blog on. And third, a job is just a hobby that you re paid for. Everything starts off as a hobby, the determining factor is how much hard work, and time you put into your hobby. How driven are you to make this a career? Are you prepared to do something no one else has done?

It is possible! Remember that Tony Hawk, Dave Mirra, Kevin Hart, Dwayne Johnson, Steve Jobs, Joe Rogan, etc. have all gone on to do things that some viewed as impossible at the time. They have gone on to make a living doing things that some would never have viewed as a profession, but they put in the hard work. That is the difference between them and you. And to anyone that says otherwise, I have one question. Why? Or better yet, Why not? Life is too short to spend one minute doing something you do not want to do. So go start now! And before that doubt creeps into your head, just ask yourself why not.

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